Friday, February 06, 2009

Experience Sharing

Experience Sharing

For the first time in my NS life, I am seriously thankful for my appointment as an intelligence specialist. Being involved in the conducting of reservist training allows me to meet a variety of vastly different people, but this particular battalion stands out exceptionally. I have had the rare opportunity to interact with investment bankers, especially one who is the vice president of a company (not much detail about him will be revealed in order to safeguard his identity) in Singapore.

I was working when I heard them discussing about the general economy situation and business climate. Without much hesitation I joined in and unknowingly we chatted for a couple of hours on topics covering banks, insurance and investment. We talked about George Soros and Peter Lynch. His unusual insights provided a most refreshing perspective on several financial issues. I have to admit it was rather intellectually challenging but satisfying to engage in a conversation with him. I was flabbergasted when part of my understanding on these matters was labelled as "most basic"! He later explained several concepts of finance to point out the flaw in my argument. But it was what he commented that made my day.

"You are not bad for someone of your age."

I beamed. But I know I still have a long way to go, and I shall never stop. Perhaps my starting point can possibly be an internship at his company after I ORD:)