Saturday, June 07, 2008

Above All

Above All

Air Force. Above all.

Sounds pretty cool. That's exactly the reason why I signed up for a career in the Air Force as a pilot several weeks ago. Went for computer test and medical review ever since then and to my surprise, I was offered a contract to join the Air Force as a pilot. Very attractive terms and benefits indeed, but I chose to reject it in the end because I do not wish to be tied down by any bonds. My true passion still lies in Economics, where I shall graduate from SMU and carve out a career in Investment Banking:) Thus I can't afford to sign on and I really wonder how I got selected out of 200 over people in the first place=x That's a really hard decision to make, and I am glad I have done it in the end=)

Gonna POP soon!!! Feels great to have completed BMT and overcoming every obstacle ranging from IPPT to SOC, but the most important thing I have gained from my 9 weeks is true friendship and the close bond I share with my section mates:) I really feel that they can be buddies for life cause we can click well haha... What's even better is that we all expressed interest in going to Command School and thus there is a chance that we can still end up together=) Been busy rehearsing for Passing Out Parade lately and standing still under the hot sun can prove to be physically exhausting, but like what I always like to say, it's still mind over matter... I shall execute every drill to the best of my ability so that I deserve the honour of accepting the jockey cap from my parents on the actual day itself.

To my all friends out there: Get ready to address me as Private Tan! (Though I still prefer Officer Cadet Trainee Tan lol)

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